Family and Marriage Counselor

TeleHealth Counseling

During this global time of uncertainty, it is important for me to do all that I can to be there for my clients.  Therefore, I have expanded my services to include TeleHealth sessions.  I have been licensed for this type of service since January of 2020.  As we are now most of us experiencing quarantine conditions, it is a relief to know that we can still put emotional health care as a priority by conducting sessions this way.

Pre-Marital Counseling

Using faith-based foundations, I look at family-of-origin issues, communication patterns, and practical life skills to prepare for a successful marriage.  I am a SYMBIS certified facilitator (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts) with Dr. Les and Leslie Parrot’s program.

Marriage Counseling

Working with couples, I identify boundary issues, script games, and negative communication patterns that can cause discord in a marriage.  Then I help each couple discover new positive ways of interacting.

Grief Therapy

We all experience grief at different times in our lives and respond differently as well.  Being able to work through grief allows each of us to grow in healthy and mature ways.  Grieving in healthy ways promotes healing and emotional wellness.

Adventure Therapy

People are able to comprehend and learn in a more effective way through activities. I utilize experiential tools to understand anger issues, family dynamics, and poor communication skills.  This creates a fun and non-threatening avenue to achieving therapeutic goals.  It is especially effective when working with children and teenagers in learning new skills.

Ready to Live Emotionally Healthy?

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Delta Family Counseling

3762 Moffett Road
Suite A
Mobile, AL 36618
